Nuances of different types of `this` in Javascript

June 4, 2016    Javascript

In this article, I will talk about different nuances of this keyword in Javascript.

1) Global this

If you access this simply without any object reference, then it would simply mean that, you are referring to global window object.

For eg:

f = function() { this.sampleAttr = 'Viswa'; console.log('This object here is ' + this); }

Now executing function f()

VM815:1 This object here is [object Window]

2) Scoped this

Now consider this example

obj = {num1:0, add: function(num2) { this.num1 += num2; return this.num1 }}

As you can see, inside the obj's scope, this refers to obj object itself, not the global window object.

3) this outside the function of object’s scope

Now consider this example.

obj = {num1: 10, 
	   add: function(num2) { 
				console.log("This inside add is " + this); 
				h = function(num2) {
						console.log("This inside h is " + this); this.num1 += num2; }; 
		return h(num2); 


VM1973:1 This inside add is [object Object]
VM1973:1 This inside h is [object Window]


As you can see, inside the add()’s scope, this was pointing to obj.this. However inside the inner function h() ( even though the scope is within obj ), this has been reverted to global scope.

How to solve this problem ?

Take a copy of obj.this as that and reuse inside h(). Complete example given below.

obj = {num1: 10, 
	   add: function(num2) { 
			console.log("This inside add is " + this); 
			var that = this; 
			h = function(num2) {
					console.log("That ( this)  inside h is " + that); 
					that.num1 += num2; 
					return that.num1; 
			return h(num2); 
VM2045:1 This inside add is [object Object]
VM2045:1 That ( this)  inside h is [object Object]

VM2045:1 This inside add is [object Object]
VM2045:1 That ( this)  inside h is [object Object]

4) Explicit this using apply() & bind()

If instead of taking a copy of local this and re-using it, you actually tell the inner function to get glued to the object itself using apply() & bind().

obj = {num1: 10, 
	   add: function(num2) { 
			console.log("This inside add is " + this); 
			h = function(num2) {
				console.log("That ( this)  inside h is " + this); 
				this.num1 += num2; 
				return this.num1; }.bind(this); 
			return h(num2); 
VM2092:1 This inside add is [object Object]
VM2092:1 That ( this)  inside h is [object Object]

VM2092:1 This inside add is [object Object]
VM2092:1 That ( this)  inside h is [object Object]

5) Implicit this using a constructor

By default, functions starting with capital letter will be treated like a constructor for that particular construct. In below example, I’m creating a new type called P.

function P(num) { this.num = num;}

p = new P(10);

What I did? I simply created a constructor for P and assigned the incoming num to P.num. This is achieved implicitly by using this keyword. p is filled from prototype P.


Now, let me omit the new keyword and call the constructor like a normal function, like this.

p1 = P(10);

VM2340:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'num' of undefined(…)(anonymous 

What just happened ?? There is no member named num for p1 ??? So what’s type of p then???

typeof p

Aha.. p is type of generic object, not our mighty P. So what about the instruction this.num = num would have done ?? You guessed it right. It just added num property to global window object. Or in other words, this pointed to window object.
